Joseph recently asked me what saying or motto I would want to have mark my life.
Me: “That’s very deep. I’ll have to think…”
Joseph: “Well what would be the theme?”
Me: “Mmm… maybe something about Jesus, or design, or maybe the outdoors.”
Joseph: “It’d probably be about fonts haha”
Me: “No 🙂 Like the feeling you get when you’re outside and the sun is setting and life just feels simple. Something about keeping life simple, not taking it too seriously. Wait, yeah, I may not do a great job of that, but I do love when moments feel special. When we intentionally make them special.
Even the, especially, the insignificant ones.”
Joseph: “So what about, ‘not every moment is special but every moment has the potential to be’?”
I want people to remember to make mundane moments special and glorify God in the midst of that. I want to grab on to life’s little moments and hold them near to my heart. I want to take them to God in praise. I want to cherish the blessings and celebrate the mundane. I want to celebrate my people and let them know how special they are too. Birthdays, holidays, date nights for no reason, getting a raise, “Friday treats”, the weather being lovely, a rainy day, a new baby or wedding announcement. There’s always something to celebrate.
I hope you’ll find time this season to make a moment feel special. Even the simplest of moments.
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